Brand Nu Words Newsletter September 12, 2008 / issue 8

In this issue:

latest news
charisse's update
any new books??
wellness tips
speaking engagements


COUNTDOWN TO ELECTION DAY! There are 52 days until election day. What are YOU doing to register your community to vote and to ensure maximum voter turnout?

Saturday, September 13, 2008. Charisse is a featured speaker at the Family Education Expo. The day will be full of entertainment, information, and giveaways that include books, school supplies, and jump ropes.  Entertainment includes storytelling, children’s music, readings, Double Dutch, line dancing, and more! The McKinley Technology Senior High School, 151 T Street, NE DC. 9am - 4:30pm.

Saturday, September 27, 2008. Charisse signs as an invited author at the CBC Foundation's Annual Legislative Caucus at the Washington Convention Center. 11am.

Saturday, September 27, 2008. Join Charisse & Harvey in Alexandria, VA at a voter registration rally. Brand Nu Sound (DJ Harvey) will serve as the MC, providing music, sound and good times for all. The event will take place at John Adams Elementary School. Black Women for Obama, the Alexandria Democratic Committee, Ethiopians for Obama and others will co-sponsor. Email me if you want to VOLUNTEER. WE NEED YOU!!! Email me if you want more info in order to attend. Rally begins at 1:30pm.

Saturday, October 4, 2008. Charisse signs and reads at the Capital BookFest at the Blvd. at the CapCentre in Largo, MD. 10am.

Sunday, October 5, 2008. Charisse appears on radio show Aunt Jewel's Bedtime Stories. Check Brand Nu Words's website soon to find out how to tune in. 7pm.



CACSMALLHello Brand Nu Words Family! This is my first update since May! I remain on my health & wellness journey, though now I must admit that I've been maintaining. I am still down at least 40 lbs. from where I started, which is no small feat because normally, unless I try to lose weight, I automatically gain. I have adopted a new lifestyle and my conscious diet is my norm (along with my USANA vitamins). The formula is proper diet + supplementation + exercise + sleep. I am still challenged to get adequate sleep and exercise, which would allow me, I am certain, to reach my goal of losing another 20 lbs.

But for now, my attention is diverted. You see, there's this guy I know from law school who is running for president, and I am really working hard to see that he wins!

I have received so many emails and calls from friends worried about the campaign. Did you think it would be easy? But we CAN do this. Yes, WE can. Power concedes NOTHING without a struggle. We must remain steadfast and strong. One of my favorite quotes is Frederick Douglass's "Agitate, Agitate, Agitate." WELL FRIENDS, WHAT WE'VE GOT TO DO IS "Register, Register, Register." It is estimated that there are 300,000 African Americans in Virginia not registered!! I understand that there are just as many if not more in North Carolina, Georgia, etc... And it is not just African Americans; an estimated 34% of the American population is unregistered. If you live near Virginia, work in Virginia. If you live in or near Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina ... go there.

Everywhere you go, every conversation you have, ask people if they have registered and checked their registration lately. Put an end to the relentless 24-hour news cycle. We can't control that. Comb the internet, get pdf's of applications for voter registration in your state. Sign your family members up to receive absentee ballots if need be. Encourage people to engage in early voting if possible. Barack has an online one-stop-shop where you can register, check your registration, get an absentee ballot or engage in early voting if applicable.

We are so close to witnessing history in our lifetime. So many of us never thought we'd live to see the day. And if we do not do OUR PART now, we'll lose this chance, and it likely won't happen again for another lifetime or two. Won't you join me?!


CENTRAL OBESITY. Did you know that carrying fat in your belly area is more dangerous than carrying it elsewhere? Those women, like me, with a waist size greater than 32 to 36 inches (or 36 inches for a man) are at increased risk for developing insulin resistance and heart disease. Physcians are beginning to refer to this kind of fat as "KILLER FAT."

So why have I missed my workout for the past 2 weeks? And why did I eat that bag of potato chips yesterday?

None of us is perfect and this is TRULY a journey. But what good is it to work so hard to create the kind of world we seek for our children and families if we are not around to enjoy it? Email me to chat further about this and other nutrition issues.

Continue to eat on the low end of the glycemic index. Click here for that CHEAT SHEET I sent out back in February.


DreamCvr Okay. Okay. Maybe it is time for a new book. Well, I can't exactly say I lay around twiddling my thumbs with extra time to write and publish.

BUT I have a few things up my sleeve. For one, The Jamestown Project is developing a Children's Curriculum for Civic Engagement based on I Dream for You a World (expected publication is Winter 2008/09).

I also have a few articles and a SECRET new project on the horizon. When I let the cat out of the bag, you'll be the first to know!


Keep me in mind for writing or speaking engagements please! (email me or invite me to your event using the contact form on Whether its my wonderful work with The Jamestown Project, my books, nutrition, or anything else, I'd love see if we can put something together.



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